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Showing 39 Results

Health Advocate Website and App

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Faculty/Staff

Health Advocate provides faculty and staff with advocacy and health navigation services, in addition to administering the “Healthy Miami” program. The app includes several trackers (e.g., fitness, nutrition, stress, financial, etc.), healthy living workshops, goal setting, and more. Download the app or engage through the website.

Find a Student Organization (The Hub)

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

Source: The Hub

Miami has more than 600 student clubs and organizations, including service organizations, fraternities and sororities, academic and career-focused groups, and special-interest clubs. Explore your options for getting involved on the Hub!

Managing Stress

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

An online workshop through the Rinella Learning Center to help you recognize potential stressors, shift attitudes that enable stress, consider self-care strategies, and learn about resources for managing stress at Miami.

Caravan Wellness App

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Caravan Wellness offered through Miami Recreation

Caravan is a leading wellness app with hundreds of video classes designed to help you improve mental health, harness your energy, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Free for the Miami community.

Eating Disorder Screening

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Take a free screening through Mindwise about your risk level for an eating disorder, followed by resources that may be helpful.

Be Well (Mind)

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

Dozens of short articles related to mental health, mindfulness, spirituality, and stress. Topics include perfectionism, meditation, thought patterns, and much more.

WellTrack Boost

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

Welltrack Boost is a free digital platform that provides Miami students with self-help tools to manage their mental health and well-being. There are assessments, series, and tools (e.g., zen room, thought diary, etc.) to help students address issues, recognize patterns and triggers, and reinforce healthy habits.

Financial Wellness Center

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

This series of educational playlists helps you build financial knowledge and prepare for the future. Topics range from basic competencies such as budgeting, banking, taxes, and credit cards to more detailed topics such as understanding and managing personal credit, making sound financial decisions in the career world, and saving for the long term.

Title IX Support

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

Resource guide and reporting options for students who have experienced sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence.

Rave Guardian App

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Download the Rave Guardian safety app to set up safety timers, connect with your “guardians” (e.g. trusted friends), send info and tips via text directly to the Miami Police Department, use an emergency call button, etc.