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Showing 37 Results

SEAL Ambassadors

Location: Oxford Campus

Audiences: Students

SEAL Ambassadors are students available to help students find their place on campus and get involved. They also offer guidance to creating new student organizations, and on helping organizations succeed.

Find a Student Organization (The Hub)

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

Source: The Hub

Miami has more than 600 student clubs and organizations, including service organizations, fraternities and sororities, academic and career-focused groups, and special-interest clubs. Explore your options for getting involved on the Hub!

Coping Mindfully (Clinical Workshop)

Location: Oxford Campus

Audiences: Students

A 6-week, weekly workshop series through Student Counseling Service designed to help students foster mindfulness and coping strategies to combat stress, anxiety, and challenging life circumstances.

Dog Therapy

Location: Oxford Campus

Audiences: Students

Source: Student Counseling Service

Miami offers weekly dog therapy during the academic year. Interacting with animals is a proven way to decrease stress and feel a sense of connection and acceptance.

Faculty and Staff Affinity Groups

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Faculty/Staff

Miami has several faculty and staff affinity groups to support our employees in building community and accessing resources. Each group has meetings, events, and other opportunities to engage throughout the year. All employees are welcome to participate in any of the faculty and staff associations available at Miami University. To learn more and get involved, please sign-up here today!

WellTrack Boost

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Students

Welltrack Boost is a free digital platform that provides Miami students with self-help tools to manage their mental health and well-being. There are assessments, series, and tools (e.g., zen room, thought diary, etc.) to help students address issues, recognize patterns and triggers, and reinforce healthy habits.

Campus Assistance Program (CAP)

Location: Oxford Campus

Audiences: Faculty/Staff

CAP presentations to academic departments and departmental staff meetings provide opportunities for Miami’s faculty and staff to learn how we can assist students in emotional distress. Presentations are typically are 60-90 minutes in length.

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)

Location: Oxford Campus

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Just as CPR helps anyone save a life in a medical emergency, QPR is a simple educational program that teaches ordinary citizens how to recognize a mental health emergency and get a person at-risk the help they need.

In these trainings, certified QPR Gatekeeper Instructors teach the three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide: Question, Persuade, and Refer. In just 90 minutes, you can learn to save a life.

Mental Health First Aid

Location: Oxford Campus

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour certification course that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. There’s a small charge for faculty/staff (paid by departments) and it is free for students.

Suicide Prevention Resources

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Information on how to help a friend, notice signs of suicide ideation, and how to get involved in suicide prevention efforts on campus.