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Showing 13 Results

Caravan Wellness App

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Caravan Wellness offered through Miami Recreation

Caravan is a leading wellness app with hundreds of video classes designed to help you improve mental health, harness your energy, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Free for the Miami community.

Consult with the Howe Writing Center

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

The Howe Writing Center (HWC) invites all Miami students, faculty, and alumni to schedule appointments (or what we call “consultations”) for your writing projects. Take advantage of these in-person or online consultations at any stage of the writing process.

What’s the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety?

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: American Psychological Association

This article from the APA describes how to know the difference between stress and anxiety.

What is Mindfulness?

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Psych Hub

Learn more about why you should practice mindfulness and how to reap its benefits in this video from PsychHub.

The Burnout Antidote: 10 Doses of Self-Compassion

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Psych Hub

A series of 10 short videos from PsychHub related to burnout and self-compassion.

Time Management

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Information from the Rinella Learning Center to help you set priorities and better manage your time.

Stress Relievers: Tips to Tame Stress

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Mayo Clinic

Stress getting to you? Try some of these tips from the Mayo Clinic for stress relief.

Why Exercise is Such Powerful Medicine

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Mayo Clinic

Exercise has many benefits for mental and physical health. Learn about these benefits with this minute and a half long video.

Connection Between Stress and Sleep

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: American Psychological Association

Survey findings show that stress may be getting in the way of quality sleep.

Crisis Text Line

Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses

Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students

Source: Crisis Text Line

Students, text MUHOPE to 741741 for free 24/7 mental health support.

Faculty/staff, text HOME to 741741 for the same.

Crisis text is appropriate for both major and minor crises.