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Caravan Wellness App
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: Caravan Wellness offered through Miami Recreation
Caravan is a leading wellness app with hundreds of video classes designed to help you improve mental health, harness your energy, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Free for the Miami community.
Consult with the Howe Writing Center
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
The Howe Writing Center (HWC) invites all Miami students, faculty, and alumni to schedule appointments (or what we call “consultations”) for your writing projects. Take advantage of these in-person or online consultations at any stage of the writing process.
Sustainability at Miami
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Miami’s sustainability commitments and ways you can get involved with creating a more sustainable future.
What is Mindfulness?
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: Psych Hub
Learn more about why you should practice mindfulness and how to reap its benefits in this video from PsychHub.
The Burnout Antidote: 10 Doses of Self-Compassion
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: Psych Hub
A series of 10 short videos from PsychHub related to burnout and self-compassion.
Time Management
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Information from the Rinella Learning Center to help you set priorities and better manage your time.
Why Exercise is Such Powerful Medicine
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: Mayo Clinic
Exercise has many benefits for mental and physical health. Learn about these benefits with this minute and a half long video.
How Sleep Affects What and How Much You Eat
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: TED
The relationship between what you eat and your sleep is a two-way street. Watch on YouTube.
Yoga: What you Need to Know
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Learn about the many possible benefits of yoga, including stress management, mental/emotional health, promoting healthy eating/activity habits, sleep, and balance in this article.
Cleveland Clinic on Meditation
Location: All Locations, Oxford Campus, Regional Campuses
Audiences: Everyone, Faculty/Staff, Students
Source: Cleveland Clinic
Meditation is common worldwide because it has benefits for brain health and overall well-being. Read this article to learn what scientists know about how meditation helps people and why it works.