How to Help a Friend
What to do if you are concerned about a friend on the Regional campuses.
Read about grief through the Student Counseling Service website.
Financial Wellness Center
This series of educational playlists helps you build financial knowledge and prepare for the future. Topics range from basic competencies such as budgeting, banking, taxes, […]
Title IX Reporting Options
Learn about your options for reporting incidents of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, or related retaliation.
Pregnant and Parenting Students
Learn how Miami can support you if you are expecting a child.
Consult with the Howe Writing Center
The Howe Writing Center (HWC) invites all Miami students, faculty, and alumni to schedule appointments (or what we call “consultations”) for your writing projects. Take […]
Sustainability at Miami
Miami’s sustainability commitments and ways you can get involved with creating a more sustainable future.
Note Taking
Information from the Rinella Learning Center to help you develop note taking skills and organize information into an understandable format.
Read about insomnia through the Student Counseling Service.
Final Exam Prep
Techniques and strategies from the Rinella Learning Center can prepare you for finals in a way that fits your needs and your finals.